When evaluating investment opportunities, understanding key financial metrics is crucial. Two commonly used metrics are Return on Investment (ROI) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). While both metrics provide insights into investment performance, they measure different aspects and offer unique perspectives. This blog aims to demystify the differences between ROI vs IRR, helping investors make decisions and assess the profitability of their investments. 

What is Return on Investment (ROI)?

Return on Investment (ROI) is a financial metric used to measure the investment’s profitability relative to its cost. It provides a straightforward way to assess the return generated from an investment as a percentage. It gets determined by the division of the net profit from the investment by initial cost and multiplying by 100. The resulting percentage represents the ROI, indicating the return as a proportion of the initial investment. ROI is often used to compare the profitability of different investment options and assess the success of a specific investment.

What is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)? 

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a financial metric used to evaluate the potential profitability of an investment over time. It represents the discount rate that makes the NPV or net present value of cash flows from an investment equal to zero. In simpler terms, IRR is the annualized rate of return at which an investment breaks even. It takes into account the timing and magnitude of cash flows and considers the time value of money. IRR is often used to assess the attractiveness of an investment by comparing the expected return with a required minimum rate of return. For instance, commercial real estate structured debts via alternative investment platforms have a guaranteed 18 percent IRR. You can invest in such alternative investment opportunities with just $12k

ROI Vs IRR Table

Key Differences



Calculation Method

(Net Profit / Initial Cost) * 100

0= Initial Cash Outlay + Cash Flow (Year 1)/ (1+IRR) + Cash Flow (Year 2)/ (1+IRR) + Cash Flow (Year 3)/ (1+IRR)


Overall profitability of the investment

Rate of return over the investment's lifespan

Time Value of Money

Does not explicitly consider 


Project Size and Cash Flow

Focuses on overall profitability

Focus on project size, timing, and cash flow patterns

Sensitivity to Reinvestment Assumptions

Assumes reinvestment at the same rate as ROI

Allows for varying reinvestment assumptions


Evaluating individual projects with similar cash flow patterns

Comparing investments with different cash flow patterns and durations


Percentage return on the initial investment

Annualized rate of return compared to the required minimum rate of return


ROI Vs IRR: Key Differences 

Calculation Method

ROI: Calculated by division of  the net profit from the investment by initial cost and multiplying by 100. It measures the total return as a percentage of the initial investment.

ROI = (Net Profit / Initial Cost) * 100

IRR: Determined by solving the equation that equates the present value of cash inflows to the present value of cash outflows. It represents the annualized rate of return that makes the investment's NPV zero.

0= Initial Cash Outlay + Cash Flow (Year 1)/ (1+IRR) + Cash Flow (Year 2)/ (1+IRR) + Cash Flow (Year 3)/ (1+IRR)


ROI: ROI focuses on the overall profitability of an investment by comparing the net profit generated to the initial investment cost. It provides a straightforward measure of the return on investment.

IRR: IRR focuses on the rate of return that an investment generates over its lifespan. It considers the timing and magnitude of cash flows, taking into account the time value of money. IRR provides a more comprehensive evaluation of an investment's profitability.

Time Value of Money

ROI: Does not explicitly consider the time value of money. It does not account for the timing or duration of cash flows.

IRR: Incorporates the time value of money. It considers the timing and magnitude of cash flows, discounting them to their present value.

Project Size and Cash Flow

ROI: Focuses on the overall profitability of the investment. It does not consider the size or scale of the project or the specific cash flow patterns.

IRR: Takes into account the size and scale of the project as well as the timing and magnitude of cash flows. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the investment's profitability over time.

Sensitivity to Reinvestment Assumptions

ROI: Assumes that all cash flows are reinvested at the same rate as the ROI. It does not account for the variability or uncertainty of reinvestment opportunities.

IRR: Allows for reinvestment assumptions to vary. It considers the possibility of reinvesting cash flows at the IRR, reflecting the investor's required minimum rate of return.


ROI: ROI is commonly used in evaluating individual projects or investment options. It is particularly useful for comparing investments with similar cash flow patterns and investment horizons.

IRR: IRR is useful when comparing investments with different cash flow patterns and investment durations. It helps in decision-making by identifying the rate of return required for an investment to break even.


ROI: ROI represents the percentage return on the initial investment. It is a simple metric that allows investors to compare the profitability of different investments. A higher ROI indicates a higher return relative to the investment cost.

IRR: IRR represents the annualized rate of return that an investment yields. It helps investors assess the attractiveness of an investment by comparing the IRR with their required minimum rate of return. A higher IRR indicates a higher potential return on investment.

ROI Vs IRR: When to Use Each Metric

ROI is useful for assessing the investment’s profitability and comparing the returns of different investment options. It is a straightforward metric that provides a quick snapshot of the return on the initial investment.

IRR, on the other hand, is beneficial for evaluating the potential profitability of an investment over time. It considers the time value of money and provides an annualized rate of return. IRR is particularly useful when comparing investments with different cash flow patterns or when determining the required minimum rate of return for a project to be financially viable.

ROI Vs IRR: Limitations and Considerations

Both ROI and IRR have limitations that investors should be aware of. ROI does not consider the time value of money and may not accurately reflect the investment’s profitability with complex cash flow patterns. IRR can have multiple solutions or may not exist if cash flows are irregular or exhibit non-conventional patterns.

It is important to use these metrics in conjunction with other financial analysis tools and consider factors such as risk, market conditions, and investment goals.

ROI Vs IRR: Real-World Examples

To illustrate the practical application of ROI vs IRR, let's consider two examples:

Example 1: Real Estate Investment

Suppose you invest $100,000 in a rental property. Over five years, you generate a net profit of $30,000 per year. The ROI would be calculated as ($30,000 / $100,000) * 100 = 30%. 

However, to determine the IRR, you would need to consider the specific cash flow patterns and the timing of cash inflows and outflows.

Example 2: Business Expansion

A company is considering expanding its operations and investing $500,000 in new equipment. The investment gets expected to produce cash flows of $150,000 for each year for the coming 5 years. The ROI would be ($150,000 / $500,000) * 100 = 30%. 

To calculate the IRR, the specific cash flow patterns and the timing of cash inflows and outflows would be taken into account.

Bottom Line

ROI and IRR are essential financial metrics used to evaluate investment performance. While ROI provides a simple measure of profitability based on the initial investment, IRR takes into account the time value of money and provides an annualized rate of return. Understanding the differences between ROI vs IRR is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Both ROI and IRR have their applications and limitations, and it's important to use them in conjunction with other financial analysis tools. By considering factors such as risk, cash flow patterns, and investment goals, investors can assess the profitability and viability of their investment opportunities.

Assetmonk is an alternative investment platform that connects investors with passive income opportunities in real estate. With a low entry point of $12k, investors can start with real estate structured debt and benefit from the potential security of collateral. Assetmonk's mission is to democratize passive income by offering a diverse range of asset classes that operate independently of the stock market. They provide an assured 18 percent internal rate of return (IRR) along with fixed income payments, making passive income accessible and reliable for investors.

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Q1. Should I use ROI or IRR?

A. IRR is a valuable metric when it comes to budgeting capital for projects. It helps assess the potential profitability of investment by considering the timing and magnitude of cash flows, incorporating the time value of money. ROI is a useful tool for evaluating the overall profitability of an investment, providing a percentage representation of the return. Both metrics have their respective applications and provide insights into investment performance, allowing investors to make decisions based on their specific needs and goals.

Q2. How is ROI calculated?

A.  ROI is calculated by division of the net profit from the investment by initial cost and multiplying by 100. It measures the total return as a percentage of the initial investment.

ROI = (Net Profit / Initial Cost) * 100

Q3. How do I calculate an IRR?

A. IRR is calculated by solving the equation that equates the present value of cash inflows to the present value of cash outflows. It represents the annualized rate of return that makes the investment's NPV zero.

0= Initial Cash Outlay + Cash Flow (Year 1)/ (1+IRR) + Cash Flow (Year 2)/ (1+IRR) + Cash Flow (Year 3)/ (1+IRR)

Q4. What does 15% IRR mean?

A. A 15% IRR means that an investment is expected to generate an annualized return of 15% over its lifespan. It represents the rate at which NPV or net present value from the investment becomes zero. In other words, if the investment achieves a 15% IRR, it implies that the project's cash inflows and outflows are balanced in a way that the present value of the inflows is equal to the present value of the outflows
