Investment in Rental Properties: A Source of Passive Income

Investing in rental properties has long been considered a lucrative opportunity for individuals looking to generate passive income. With the right strategies and careful planning, rental properties can offer a steady stream of cash flow while building long-term wealth. This comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights into the world of rental property investments.

Even better than rental properties, the best source of passive income is commercial real estate structured debt. You can invest with just $12k and get fixed-income payments. You can invest in these via alternative investment platforms.  

Understanding Rental Properties Investment

Investing in rental properties involves purchasing real estate properties to generate income through rental payments. Unlike other forms of investment, rental properties offer the unique advantage of generating passive income, allowing investors to benefit from regular cash flow without actively participating in day-to-day operations.

The Benefits of Rental Properties Investments 

Passive Income

Rental properties provide investors with a consistent source of passive income, allowing them to cover expenses, save for future investments, or enjoy financial freedom.


Real estate investments have the potential to appreciate over time, increasing the property's worth and the investor's overall net worth.

Tax Advantages

Rental property owners can enjoy various tax benefits, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance, repairs, and depreciation.

Portfolio Diversification

Investing in rental properties offers diversification to an investment portfolio, reducing risk by spreading investments across different asset classes.


Unlike other investment vehicles, rental property investments provide investors with a certain level of control over their assets, allowing for strategic decision-making and customization.

Four Primary Ways to Make Passive Income from Rental Properties

Rental income

It is a primary source of passive income from rental properties. After deducting expenses such as debt payments, property taxes, utilities, maintenance, repairs, management fees, and other costs, the remaining amount represents the passive income. It's important to consider all expenses and make sure the property generates positive cash flow. While a property may not be immediately profitable, choosing a property in a desirable location can lead to rent increases over time, while debt payments remain consistent. 

Capital gains

Capital gains are realized when a property is sold at a higher price than its original purchase cost. In the given example, if the property was bought for $500,000 and sold for $550,000 after five years, the capital gain would be $50,000, representing a 10% increase.

In cases where a property experiences a significant increase in market value, there is a way to access that gain without selling. For instance, if the property's value doubles over five years, one option is to refinance the property based on a new appraisal and take out cash to invest in another opportunity. This allows investors to tap into the increased value without selling the property. Otherwise, capital gains are typically realized only when a real estate investment is sold.

Tax write-offs 

These provide beneficial opportunities for rental property investors. One important deduction is depreciation, which accounts for natural property value deterioration over time. For residential rental properties, depreciation is spread over 27.5 years, allowing a write-off of $18,182 annually for the example property. This legitimate tax expense doesn't require direct payment. It's possible to own a cash flow-positive property that reports a tax loss, resulting in receiving cash instead of paying taxes.

Interest expense is another deductible item. When financing a property, annual interest payments on the debt occur. In the example, the first year's total interest amounts to $17,219.80. This interest expense is deducted from rental revenue when reporting income on taxes, even though tenants effectively cover it.

Debt paydown

This is another avenue for generating income from rental real estate. To better understand the returns, let's revisit the capital gains example. The property was sold for $550,000, representing a 10% return on investment. However, it is more accurate to assess the cash-on-cash return.

With a 20% down payment ($100,000), the debt balance was reduced to $403,916 over five years. The sale proceeds of $146,084 result in a five-year return of 46%. This return is amplified by the power of leverage, demonstrating the benefits of utilizing borrowed funds. The notable advantage is that the tenant covers the debt payments. If the rental income exceeds the monthly debt payments, the tenant effectively pays the principal and interest while you can deduct the interest expense and benefit from the reduced debt.

Key Considerations Before Investing in Rental Properties

Market Research 

Conduct thorough market research to identify areas with strong rental demand, potential rental yields, and growth prospects.

Financial Analysis

Evaluate the financial feasibility of the investment, considering factors such as purchase price, financing options, operating expenses, and expected rental income.

Property Analysis

Assess the condition, location, and potential rental value of the property to ensure it aligns with your investment goals and target tenant demographic.

Property Management

Decide whether to manage the property yourself or hire a professional property management company. Consider the associated costs, time commitment, and your ability to handle tenant-related issues.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Familiarize yourself with local laws, regulations, and landlord-tenant policies to ensure legal compliance and avoid potential liabilities.

Financing Rental Properties Investments 

Cash Purchase

Paying for a rental property upfront with cash provides immediate ownership and eliminates the need for financing. This option offers the advantage of avoiding interest payments and potential mortgage-related risks.

Traditional Financing

Securing a mortgage loan from a bank or financial institution is a common method of financing rental property investments. It involves a down payment, regular mortgage payments, and interest charges.

Private Financing

Private lenders or individuals may offer financing options with flexible terms, allowing investors to secure funds without strict banking requirements.

Partnership or Syndication

Pooling resources with other investors through partnerships or real estate syndications can provide access to larger properties or mitigate financial risks.

Managing and Maximizing Rental Properties 

Effective Property Marketing

Utilize online platforms, professional photography, virtual tours, and compelling property descriptions to attract quality tenants.

Tenant Screening

Implement a rigorous screening process to select reliable tenants, including credit checks, background verification, and rental history evaluation.

Property Maintenance

Regularly inspect and maintain the property to ensure tenant satisfaction, reduce turnover, and protect the property's value.

Rental Pricing Strategies

Research local market rates and adjust rental prices based on demand, property condition, and amenities to maximize rental income.

Lease Agreements

Draft comprehensive lease agreements that clearly outline tenant responsibilities, rental terms, payment schedules, and penalties to protect both parties interests.

Risk Management

Obtain landlord insurance coverage to protect against potential liabilities, property damage, or unforeseen events.

Scaling and Growing Your Rental Properties Portfolio 


Reinvest rental income and profits into acquiring additional rental properties, expanding your portfolio, and increasing your passive income streams.

1031 Exchange

Utilize a 1031 exchange to defer capital gains taxes by reinvesting the proceeds from the sale of one property into another like-kind property.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Consider diversifying your portfolio by investing in REITs, which offer exposure to real estate without the need for direct property ownership.

Professional Advice

Consult with real estate professionals, financial advisors, and tax experts to optimize your investment strategy and navigate complex real estate markets.

Bottom Line

Investing in rental properties can be an excellent way to generate passive income and build long-term wealth. By carefully considering the benefits, conducting thorough research, and implementing effective management strategies, investors can capitalize on the potential of rental property investments. However, it is crucial to approach this venture with due diligence, realistic expectations, and a long-term perspective. With the right approach, rental properties can become a reliable source of passive income, allowing you to achieve financial goals and secure a brighter future.

Assetmonk is a cutting-edge alternative investment platform that specializes in alternative investments, providing investors with access to highly profitable opportunities. With a focus on curating a diverse portfolio, including commercial real estate structured debt, Assetmonk offers a unique avenue for investors.

One of their offerings, the Labrea Series A, is a structured debt product backed by real estate that provides a fixed income. With a minimum investment threshold of $12,000, this opportunity allows investors to participate in exclusive investment options. By investing through Assetmonk, individuals have the potential to achieve an impressive Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 18 percent. This substantial rate showcases the platform's commitment to delivering attractive returns to its investors.

Related Articles

  1. Differentiating Between Active Income Vs Passive Income.
  2. Investing in Real Estate Debt for Passive Income.
  3. A Comprehensive Guide for Passive Income from Real Estate Investing


Q1. Is a rental property passive income?

A. Yes, the rental property does provide passive income. 

Q2. What is a good source of passive income?

A. A good source of passive income is commercial real estate structured debt. These come with fixed-income payments that are assured.

Q3. How to invest in real estate to make passive income?

A. To make passive income in real estate, you can invest via REITs, real estate crowdfunding, real estate structured debt, and P2P lending.

Q4. What are considered passive investments?

A. Passive investments are any investment opportunities that require zero active efforts from the investor.
