Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) Types


Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) have emerged as popular alternative investment vehicles. They offer diversification and potentially higher returns. In the United States, AIFs are classified into three categories: Category I, Category II, and Category III. Each category has distinct characteristics and investment strategies. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a detailed understanding of the key differences between Category I, II, and III AIFs in the US. 

Category I AIFs: Overview

Category I AIFs in the US are investment vehicles that serve a significant public policy purpose. These funds are primarily focused on industries or sectors that require financial support and have a positive impact on society. Category I AIFs include funds that invest in socially responsible projects. 

To provide a clearer understanding, here is a table outlining the key features of Category I AIFs:

Category I AIFs

Key Features

Affordable Housing Funds

Invest in affordable housing projects for low-income individuals and families

Green Energy Funds

Investments in renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind power, to promote sustainability

Impact Investing Funds

Investments in companies or projects that generate both financial returns and positive social or environmental outcomes

Community Development Funds

Channel capital towards initiatives that foster economic growth and revitalization in underserved communities

Regulatory Treatment

Preferential regulatory treatment due to their alignment with public policy objectives

Category II AIFs: Overview

Category II AIFs in the US have a broader investment mandate compared to Category I funds. These funds cater to a wide range of investment strategies, offering investors greater flexibility. Alternative investment platforms provide avenues for investors to participate in these alternative investments. 

To provide a clearer understanding, here is a table outlining the key features of Category II AIFs:

Category II AIFs

Key Features

Private Equity Funds

Invest in privately-held companies, typically at various stages of growth

Hedge Funds

Employ sophisticated investment strategies, including long/short equity positions, derivatives, and alternative investments

Debt Funds

Lending to businesses or individuals, generating income from interest payments on loans

Fund of Funds

Invest in multiple AIFs, offering diversification to investors while delegating investment decisions to professional fund managers

Regulatory Treatment

Regulated by the SEC, offering a balance between regulatory oversight and investment flexibility


Category III AIFs: Overview 

Category III AIFs in the US are designed for sophisticated investors who have the capacity to bear high risks. These funds have no investment restrictions and can engage in complex investment strategies, including leveraging, short-selling, and trading derivatives. Category III AIFs often pursue aggressive growth strategies. So, they are subjected to stricter regulatory oversight by the SEC. 

To provide a clearer understanding, here is a table outlining the key features of Category III AIFs:

Category III AIFs

Key Features

Hedge Funds

Engage in sophisticated trading strategies, including leveraging, short-selling, and derivatives, to generate high-risk/high-reward returns

Venture Capital Funds

Invest in early-stage companies with high growth potential, often in innovative and technology-driven sectors

Investment Conditions

High minimum investment requirements and restrictions on who can invest in them

Regulatory Treatment

Strict regulatory oversight due to the potential risks involved, ensuring investor protection


Category I, II, and III AIFs Differences Table

Key Differences

Category I

Category II

Category III

Investment Strategies

affordable housing

renewable energy

impact investing

private equity

hedge funds

debt funds

fund of funds

Hedge Funds

Venture capital funds

No investment restrictions

Regulatory Treatment

favorable regulatory treatment

regulated by the SEC

stricter regulatory

Risk Profiles


Moderate to high



Key Differences Between Category I, II, and III AIFs 

All three categories of AIFs in the US offer alternative investment opportunities. But, they differ significantly in their investment strategies, regulatory treatment, and risk profiles. Understanding these differences is crucial for investors aiming to diversify their portfolios effectively. Here are the key distinctions between Category I, II, and III AIFs:

Investment Strategies

Category I AIFs focus on investments that align with public policy objectives, such as affordable housing, renewable energy, and impact investing.

Category II AIFs offer a broader range of investment strategies, including private equity, hedge funds, debt funds, and fund of funds.

Category III AIFs  have no investment restrictions and employ complex trading strategies, making them suitable for sophisticated investors seeking high-risk/high-reward opportunities.

Regulatory Treatment

Category I AIFs receive favorable regulatory treatment due to their alignment with public policy objectives, which can include tax incentives and exemptions.

Category II AIFs are regulated by the SEC, striking a balance between regulatory oversight and investment flexibility.

Category III AIFs face stricter regulatory scrutiny by the SEC due to their high-risk investment strategies, ensuring investor protection.

Risk Profiles

Category I AIFs generally have a lower risk profile due to their focus on socially responsible investments that are aligned with public policy objectives.

Category II AIFs have a moderate to high-risk profile, depending on the specific investment strategy and underlying assets.

Category III AIFs are considered the highest risk among the three categories, primarily due to their complex investment strategies and potential for significant volatility.

Bottom Line

Understanding the distinctions between Category I, II, and III AIFs is crucial for investors in the United States who seek to diversify their portfolios and explore alternative investment opportunities. Each AIFs category offers unique investment strategies, regulatory treatment, and risk profiles.

Assetmonk is an alternative investment platform dedicated to alternative investments. It offers investors the opportunity to generate income streams and grow their wealth beyond traditional stock market investments. By curating alternative investment options, such as commercial real estate structured debt, Assetmonk provides a pathway for investors to diversify their portfolios. With a minimum investment requirement of $12,000, investors can participate in these opportunities and potentially enjoy an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 18 percent.

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Q1. What are AIFs?

A. An AIF is a privately pooled investment vehicle.  It gathers capital from sophisticated investors. These funds then get invested in private equity, venture capital, real estate, and infrastructure.

Q2. How do AIFs work?

A. An AIF is a privately pooled investment vehicle that gathers capital from sophisticated investors. These funds get allocated to various assets like private equity, hedge funds, venture capital, real estate, distressed assets, and infrastructure.

Q3. What are the three categories of AIF?

A. The three categories of AIF are:

  • Category I AIF
  • Category II AIF
  • Category III AIF

Q4. Are hedge funds AIFs?

A. Yes, hedge funds are AIFs. They call in category II and category III AIFs.
