12 Ways You Can Earn Money as a Real Estate Syndicator

What is real estate syndication? Real estate syndication is a popular investment strategy that allows individuals to pool their resources and invest in lucrative real estate projects. As a real estate syndicator, you have the potential to earn money through various avenues within the syndication process. You can invest as a real estate syndicator via alternative investment platforms. In this blog, we will explore 12 different ways you can earn money as a real estate syndicator in the US. 

Table: The 12 Ways a Real Estate Syndicator Can Earn Money




Acquisition Fees


Asset Management Fees


Financing and Placement Fees


Promote or Profit-Sharing


Fees for Due Diligence Services


Disposition Fees


Referral Fees


Development Fees


Performance Fees


Consulting and Advisory Services


Syndication Training and Education


Equity Ownership


1. Acquisition Fees 

One of the primary ways real estate syndicators earn money is through acquisition fees. As a syndicator, your role involves identifying and securing investment opportunities. When you successfully acquire a property for the syndicate, you can charge an acquisition fee, typically a percentage of the property's purchase price. This fee compensates you for your expertise in finding and negotiating the deal. Acquisition fees can vary but often range from 1% to 3% of the property's value, providing a significant upfront income stream.

2. Asset Management Fees 

Once the syndicate acquires a property, effective management is crucial for maximizing returns. As a syndicator, you may take on the role of asset manager or hire professionals to oversee operations. In exchange for your management services, you can charge an asset management fee. This fee is usually calculated as a percentage of the property's revenue or net operating income and compensates you for your ongoing efforts and responsibilities. Asset management fees typically range from 1% to 2% of the property's income, providing a steady stream of income throughout the investment's lifespan.

3. Financing and Placement Fees 

Real estate syndicators play a key role in securing financing for investment projects. By leveraging your industry connections and expertise, you can negotiate favorable financing terms. In return for your efforts in arranging financing, you can earn financing and placement fees. These fees are typically a percentage of the loan amount or the equity raised and can vary depending on the complexity of the deal. Financing and placement fees can provide a significant income boost, especially for larger projects with substantial financing needs.

4. Promote or Profit-Sharing 

Another way to earn money as a real estate syndicator is through the promotion or profit-sharing structure. In this arrangement, you receive a share of the profits generated by the investment beyond a certain threshold, known as the preferred return. The preferred return is the minimum annual return that investors receive before any profit is distributed to the syndicator. Once the preferred return is met, the syndicator may be entitled to a larger share of the profits, typically ranging from 20% to 30%. The promoter structure aligns the syndicator's interests with the investors and incentivizes the syndicator to maximize the project's profitability.

5. Fees for Due Diligence Services 

As a real estate syndicator, your expertise in due diligence is valuable to investors. You can monetize your due diligence services by charging fees for conducting thorough property analyses, market research, financial modeling, and risk assessments. These fees can be project-specific or charged on an hourly basis, depending on the scope of work. Providing due diligence services not only generates income but also establishes your reputation as a knowledgeable syndicator, attracting more investors to future projects.

6. Disposition Fees  

When the syndicate decides to sell a property, you can earn a disposition fee for your efforts in executing the sale. Disposition fees are typically calculated as a percentage of the property's sale price. As the syndicator, you play a pivotal role in coordinating the sale process, negotiating with buyers, and ensuring a smooth transaction. Disposition fees provide a final payday for your involvement in the investment and can be a significant source of income, particularly for successful syndicators who consistently deliver profitable projects. These can range from 1% to 3% of the sale price.

7. Referral Fees

Real estate syndicators build extensive networks of industry professionals, including brokers, attorneys, lenders, and investors. By referring business to these professionals, you can earn referral fees. For example, if you introduce a potential investor to a syndicate, you may receive a referral fee from the syndicate or the investor's contribution. Referral fees can also be earned by recommending service providers to syndicates, such as property management companies or construction contractors. Cultivating strong relationships and making valuable referrals can result in a steady stream of additional income.

8. Development Fees 

If you specialize in real estate development, you can earn development fees as a syndicator. Development fees compensate you for overseeing the entire development process, from land acquisition to project completion. These fees can be structured as a percentage of the total development costs or as a fixed amount per square foot. Development fees can be particularly lucrative for syndicators involved in large-scale development projects, but they require a deep understanding of the development process and its associated risks.

9. Performance Fees 

Performance fees, also known as incentive fees, provide an additional way to earn money as a real estate syndicator. These fees are based on the syndicate's performance and are typically calculated as a percentage of the project's profits above a predetermined hurdle rate. The hurdle rate is the minimum return that must be achieved before performance fees are triggered. This fee structure aligns the syndicator's interests with the project's success, rewarding exceptional performance and ensuring that the syndicator is motivated to generate the highest possible returns for investors.

10. Consulting and Advisory Services 

As an experienced real estate syndicator, you possess valuable knowledge and insights into the industry. You can leverage this expertise by offering consulting and advisory services to other syndicators, investors, or industry professionals. This can include guidance on deal structuring, market analysis, investment strategy, and syndication best practices. Consulting and advisory services can be charged on an hourly basis, as a flat fee for specific projects, or through retainer agreements. Sharing your knowledge through consulting can be a rewarding way to diversify your income streams and establish yourself as a thought leader in real estate syndication.

11. Syndication Training and Education 

With the increasing popularity of real estate syndication, there is a growing demand for training and education in this field. If you have a track record of successful syndication deals and possess strong teaching skills, you can develop and offer syndication training courses, workshops, or seminars. These educational programs can cater to aspiring syndicators or investors seeking to understand the syndication process. You can monetize your expertise by charging participants for access to your training materials and live sessions. 

12. Equity Ownership 

As a real estate syndicator, you can also earn money by retaining an equity stake in the syndicate's projects. By investing your own capital alongside the investors, you have the opportunity to benefit from the project's success through capital appreciation and ongoing cash flow. Holding equity ownership aligns your interests with the investors and demonstrates your confidence in the project's profitability. Additionally, by participating as an equity owner, you have the potential to earn a share of the profits generated by the investment, further increasing your potential earnings.

Real Estate Syndicator Returns


  1. Investors in real estate syndication can earn returns through periodic distributions. These distributions are typically paid out during the property's operation or upon refinancing or selling the property. The returns vary depending on the investor's position in the syndication structure.
  2. Equity investors, for instance, may be offered a return, usually ranging from 6% - 10% of their first investment. This preferred return is calculated based on the amount invested. Any distributable cash remaining is then divided between the investors and the syndicator. The distribution split is commonly structured as 50/50 or 25/75, but alternative arrangements are possible. Another option is distributable cash that is straightly split, typically set at 75/25 or  50/50. This gets done among the investor and syndicator. 
  3. On the other hand, debt investors can get preferred, simple interest on their invested amount. The remaining funds are then retained by the equity investors and /or syndicator.
  4. These distribution structures provide a framework for allocating profits and ensuring that investors receive returns on their investments while the syndicator is appropriately compensated for their expertise and efforts.


Furthermore, an investor may also generate a loan guarantor fee. This fee compensates the investor for the additional risk and liability associated with guaranteeing the loan. The loan guarantor fee can get structured as a percentage of the amount of the loan, varying from 1%- 3%, or as a flat fee.

Cash distributions in real estate syndication

  • Cash distributions in real estate syndication are made after deducting expenses, including payments of loans, and setting aside reserves. The remaining cash, known as "distributable cash," is then determined and given every quarter during the ownership of the property.
  • When a property is refinanced or sold, the proceeds may get utilized to return all or a portion of the investors' capital contributions. Any extra distributable cash gets given to the company’s members, including the syndicator.
  • He then distributes the money to investors proportionally, based on their interest percentage in the company. 
  • It gets determined by dividing their individual capital contributions by the total contributions of the capital of all investors. This ensures that each investor receives a distribution in accordance with their investment in the syndication.

Bottom Line

Real estate syndication in the US offers numerous ways for syndicators to earn money. From acquisition fees and asset management fees to promoting structures and consulting services, each strategy presents an opportunity to generate income and build a successful real estate syndication business. However, success in real estate syndication requires expertise, industry knowledge, and the ability to effectively manage investor relationships. By diversifying your income streams and continuously expanding your network, you can maximize your earning potential and establish yourself as a trusted and successful real estate syndicator in the competitive US market.

Apart from real estate syndication, you can also invest in commercial real estate structured debt. 

Assetmonk, an alternative investment platform, provides access to exclusive real estate opportunities with a minimum investment threshold of $12,000. By investing through the platform, investors have the potential to achieve an impressive Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 18 percent

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Q1. What does a real estate syndicator do?

A. A real estate syndicator facilitates investment opportunities by pooling funds from multiple investors to acquire and manage real estate properties. They identify potential investment opportunities, conduct due diligence, negotiate deals, secure financing, and oversee property management. Their role involves coordinating and communicating with investors, managing the investment process, and maximizing returns for all parties involved.

Q2. How much can you make from real estate syndication?

A. Real estate syndicators typically earn a portion of the distributable cash generated from operations, refinancing, or property sales. This share can range from 25% to 50% and may be distributed as a direct split between the members and the syndicator (e.g., 65/35) or structured as a return. 

Q3. What are the types of income from syndication?

A. Rental income and capital appreciation are the types of income from real estate syndication. 

Q4. What is the life cycle of a real estate syndication?

A. The life cycle of a real estate syndication includes the following:

  • Origination
  • Marketing
  • Operation
  • Liquidation